Céline Dion首张贺岁专辑《Happy Xmas (War Is Over)》[FLAC格式]下载/歌词/百度网盘下载


所属专辑: 《These Are Special Times》

在此为Celine Dion音乐生涯开启新扉页、独树一格的首张贺岁专辑中,除了延续Celine 与David Foster,Ric Wake等天王制作人的黄金组合阵容外,更邀来乐坛当红的男歌手R. Kelly及意大利盲人男高音Andrea Bocelli

So this is Christmas

And what have you done

Another year over

And a new one just begun

And so this is Christmas

I hope you have fun

The near and the dear ones

The old and the young

A very merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

Let's hope it's a good one

Without any fear

And so this is Christmas

For weak and for strong

For rich and the poor ones

The war is so long

And so happy Christmas

For black and for white

For yellow and red ones

Let's stop all the fight

A very merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

Let's hope it's a good one

Without any fear

And so this is Christmas

And what have we done

Another year over

And a new one just begun

And so happy Christmas

We hope you have fun

The near and the dear ones

The old and the young

A very merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

Let's hope it's a good one

Without any fear

And so this is Christmas

And what have we done

Another year over

And a new one just begun


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无损音乐网 » Céline Dion首张贺岁专辑《Happy Xmas (War Is Over)》[FLAC格式]下载/歌词/百度网盘下载
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