Hayley Westenra-Never Say Goodbye [FLAC格式]下载/歌词/百度网盘下载
歌词开始Hayley Westenra-Never Say Goodbye [FLAC格式]
《Never Say Goodbye》歌词:
If I could take this moment forever 如果我能将此刻永久沉淀
Turn the pages of my mind 翻开我记忆的书页
To another place and time 到达另一个时空与地点
We would never say goodbye 我们永远不要说再见
If I could find the words I would speak them 如果我知道该说什么 我一定会再说一遍
Then I wouldn’t be tongue-tied 那样 当我看着你的双眼
When I looked into your eyes 就不会哑口无言
We would never say goodbye 我们永远不要说再见
If I could stop the moon ever rising 如果我能让月亮消失不见
Day would not become the night 黑夜将永远不会占据白天
Wouldn’t feel this cold inside 寒冷便不会住在心里面
And we’d never say goodbye 我们永远不要说再见
I wish that our dreams were frozen 但愿我们的梦想能够冻结
Then our hearts would not be broken 那样 在我们放开彼此之前
When we let each other go…我们的心便不会破裂
If I could steal this moment forever 如果我能偷偷将此刻定格为瞬间
Paint a picture-perfect smile 画一张如画的笑靥
So our story stayed alive 那样 我们的故事便会永远艳鲜
We would never say goodbye 我们永远不会说再见歌词结束(劲爆音乐网)
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