美国乡村音乐《There\’S A Kind Of Hush》 – Carpenters[FLAC格式]下载/歌词/百度网盘下载


这首There's a kind of hush是卡朋特乐队的一首乡村音乐小品。歌曲以欢快轻松,流畅优美的曲调表现了一对恋人在谧静的夜晚,在两人的世界中体会着彼此爱的心语。“细心地倾听,来吧,再靠近点,你会明白我的心意。”从这首歌曲的音乐节拍旋律来看,演唱者注重恋人踏实、甜美愉快的心理感受,而不像其它类似的歌曲那样嗜痴泼墨地刻意表现那种万籁俱寂的大地之夜。不过这首歌卡朋特仍是翻唱版,原唱是英国早期的过渡摇滚乐队Herman's Hermits(赫尔曼的隐士们)。60年代中期是英国摇滚乐的鼎盛时代, 其中三个乐队十分引人注目, 他们分别是: The Beatles甲壳虫, The Rolling Stones滚石, 还有就是Herman's Hermits。"赫尔曼的隐士们" 乐队成立于1963年,共五人,领队是彼特•努恩(Peter Noone,生于1947年)。"赫尔曼"的摇滚乐比较温和,很少创新,被称作"泡泡糖摇滚"(Bubble gum Rock),主要表现十几岁年轻人的爱情等日常生活。

There's a kind of hush all over the world tonight

All over the world

You can hear the sound of lovers in love

You know what I mean

Just the two of us

And nobody else in sight

There's nobody else

And I'm feeling good just holding you tight

So listen very carefully

Get closer now and you will see what I mean

It isn't a dream

The only sound that you will hear

Is when I whisper in your ear I love you

For ever and ever

There's a kind of hush all over the world tonight

All over the world

People just like us are falling in love

So listen very carefully

Get closer now and you will see what I mean

It isn't a dream

The only sound that you will hear

Is when I whisper in your ear I love you

For ever and ever

There's a kind of hush all over the world tonight

All over the world

You can hear the sound of lovers in love


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