Carpenters英文金唱片《Those Good Old Dreams》[FLAC格式]下载/歌词/百度网盘下载
一年不到,排行榜上便出现冠军单曲"(They Long To Be) Close To You",他们是木匠兄妹Carpenters,70年代美国最高销售纪录的艺人,也是音乐史上最畅销的乐团之一。在他们短暂14年的音乐生涯中,录制了 11张专辑,却写下许多乐坛后辈难以望其项背的纪录!总计创造30首全美抒情榜TOP20单曲与18首全美热门单曲榜TOP20单曲,全球超过1亿张唱片销售天量,赢得3座葛莱美奖及1座全美音乐奖,以及难以估计的金唱片,更光荣入列好莱坞星光大道的「闪亮星」与葛莱美奖名人殿堂。
As a child I was known for makes-believing
All alone I created fantasies
As I grew people called it self deceiving
But my heart helped me hold the memories
As I walk through the world I find around me
Something new yet familiar's in the air
I feel it everywhere
Like a child's eyes on a Christmas night
I'm looking at you now finding answers to my prayers
It's a new day for those good old dreams
One by one it seems they're coming true
Here's the morning that my heart had seen
Here's the morning that just had to come through
It's a new day for those good old dreams
Not finished
It's a new day for those good old dreams
One by one it seems they're coming true
Here's the morning that my heart had seen
Here's the morning that just had to come through
Not finished
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无损音乐网 » Carpenters英文金唱片《Those Good Old Dreams》[FLAC格式]下载/歌词/百度网盘下载