TOYOTA TERCEL 广告配乐《鳄鱼的探戈》[FLAC格式]下载/歌词/百度网盘下载


鳄鱼的探戈 ,TOYOTA TERCEL 广告配乐

The crocodile tango 探戈的热情与苏格兰传统音乐的出俗结合成无法名之的独特乐风, 如同内心深处热浪般的呐喊.

歌手SUSAN MCKCOWN唱得很慵懒,但句句之间转换得轻快无比,声音低而不哑,沉而不重,还带着些许俏皮。

The only one I want is you

You\’re every heartache I must chew

A leg a thigh it just won\’t do

I want to chew the all of you

That tenderloin that rump so rare

I have to rip I have to tear

Yet I will take the greatest care

To fondly lick away your fear

And when this meal d\’amour is through

I\’ll wash you down down down

With crocodile tears.

You know I find you strangely charming.

I know you find me so disarming.

Through my steady tick is quite alarming.

To you James.

You\’re so romantic you\’re so grand.

You even let me take your hand

Oh please my Captain understand

the loving hunger is never brand

And when this meal d\’amour is through

I\’ll wash you down down down

With crocodile tears.


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无损音乐网 » TOYOTA TERCEL 广告配乐《鳄鱼的探戈》[FLAC格式]下载/歌词/百度网盘下载
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