澳大利亚现代基督乐歌手兼创作人Michelle Tumes单曲《Feel》[FLAC格式]下载/歌词/百度网盘下载


Michelle Tumes 是一名生于澳大利亚Adelaide的现代基督乐歌手兼创作人。四岁开始学习钢琴。十几岁时接受了两年胡正统古典钢琴教育,从此立志以音乐为业。在她省吃俭用的妹妹资助下,她录制了一盘样带,并很快被一家澳洲唱片公司看中。不久迁居美国,随即替Jaci Velasquez写出了现代基督乐榜冠军歌 If This World。但作为个人发展,她一开始并不是一帆风顺的。直到98年签约Sparrow公司推出首张个人专辑Listen,由两获Dove Award大奖(一项New Age界权威的奖项)的Charlie Peacock监制。里面除了这首Feel以外,Please Come Back、 Healing Waters、 Christ of Hope也成为大热。她也因此获当年Dove Award最佳新人提名。从此一发不可收拾,短短几年内就推出6张专辑。最新专辑Cener of My Universe也已在2000年面世,依然延续其轻盈缥缈的声线,结合New Age和福音,带出老少皆宜的风格。

Hark The wind of passion

swiftly weaving over your soul

Bless the surge of thunder rolling onto your shore

Greet the deep emotion

That sleeps beneath the ocean floor

Watch elation bound release its furious roar

Feel Feel Feel

Feel what you long to

Feel Feel Feel

Feel what you long to feel

Pound the sands of courage

Reach for clouds that cover the foam

Dance with bold expression

Leaping form silent abodes

Face the wild commotion

Free restraint and struggle no more

Let the moon raise all that

Dwells in the tides of your core

Feel Feel Feel

Feel what you long to

Feel Feel Feel

Feel what you long to

Weep sigh laugh cry

Flee from the snares that wish to

deny how you feel

Hope live love yearn

And feel

feel what you long to

Feel Feel Feel

Feel what you long to

Feel Feel Feel

Feel what you long to

Feel Feel Feel

Feel what you long to

Feel Feel Feel

Feel what you long to

Feel Feel Feel


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无损音乐网 » 澳大利亚现代基督乐歌手兼创作人Michelle Tumes单曲《Feel》[FLAC格式]下载/歌词/百度网盘下载
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