Brooke Candy《Changes》[FLAC]下载/歌词/百度网盘下载


Trying to be still


I wanna believe in a love that wants me back


I wanna believe that I can turn it around


Wanna believe that these changes are changing me, chasing me to find my way out

坚信这些变动能改进我 督促我找到出路

Try to not be small


I wanna believe that someone never lets go


I wanna believe that I can turn it around


Wanna believe that these changes are changing me, chasing me to find my way out

相信这些变化能使我不同 推动着我将自己救赎

Imma give it to you straight; No filter

我将它原封不动地送还 不加婉转

I could live a million lives, but it never killed her

我过着100种生活 但从没杀死内心的我

I was on the edge of dying, feeling unfulfilled

处于死亡边缘 从没得到满足

I could cry \’til I\’m blind, lose my will to live

哭到奔溃 丧失了活下去的信念

Forgot the point of trying when I woke up in a strange place

从陌生的地方醒来 已不再去想 努力的意义

Look up to the sky asking, \”Why?\” with a blank face

茫然失措中 我仰天长啸 “ 这是为何 “

How the world went grey


So they kept me in a nut house


Fork in the road and I had to take the hard route

在人生的岔路口 我选择的那条路最难

Screamin\’ bloody murder, was afraid I\’d never get out

惊慌大喊 害怕自己再也走不出这绝境

Up against the wall \’til I had to let my guard down

面对困难 放松了警惕

Clawing at the walls, reach the middle, then I fall down

努力着 克服着 然后一败涂地

Try to call for help, but I couldn\’t make the call now

试图呼救 却发不出声音

Chemical imbalance is a challenge, lemme vent

内心失控 发泄怒吼

When the world is forcing you to steal just to pay the rent

这个世界逼迫着你 为了目的不择手段

I\’m erratic and I\’m twisted, wanna fix it, where\’s the cure?

我变得阴暗 扭曲 我亟需将我自己修复 但解药又在何方

Room is spinnin\’ while I\’m sinnin\’, and I\’m fallin\’ to the floor

我不断地在犯错 世界天旋地转 我渐渐跌入深渊

Trying to be still


I wanna believe in a love that wants me back


I wanna believe that I can turn it around


Wanna believe that these changes are changing me, chasing me to find my way out

坚信这些变动能改进我 督促我找到出路

Try to not be small


I wanna believe that someone never lets go


I wanna believe that I can turn it around


Wanna believe that these changes are changing me, chasing me to find my way out

相信这些变化能使我不同 推动着我将自己救赎

Getting up in front of millions is a contrast

每每起床身边人都不同 何等讽刺

With the slime and grime, on my money, making hard pass

干着污秽的行当 拿着肮脏的钱 将自己过”活“

\”Live fast, die young,\” was the motto


I was taking off my clothes to pay the rent, like I gotta

我脱掉我的衣裳 只为付那房租

All the dudes and dudes they making moves to prove


That when they win you lose and they can buy these fools

他们买了你丢失的 买了这些玩具

They was lookin\’ at the ***** with a price tag

他们看着你 如同看着价格标签

Touch me how they want for the money in the dufflebag

随意的吧 我只想要钱

Uncrumpling the ones wasn\’t worth it

褶皱的人生 才拿得了钱

Family won\’t talk to me, they wish that I was perfect

家人不和我说话 他们只希望我完美

Out on the street and I felt defeated

在街道上游荡 前所未有的挫败

I was livin\’ out my car, it was hardly heated

弃置了我小车 它很难再启动

Got scars on my heart and it\’s barely beatin\’

心已伤痕累累 无力再跳动

Was a hell and I couldn\’t find the help I needed

活在地狱之中 又能向谁求救

I\’m erratic and I\’m twisted, wanna fix it, where\’s the cure?

我变得阴暗 扭曲 我亟需将我自己修复 但解药又在何方

Room is spinnin\’ while I\’m sinnin\’, and I\’m fallin\’ to the floor

我不断地在犯错 世界天旋地转 我渐渐跌入深渊

Trying to be still


I wanna believe in a love that wants me back


I wanna believe that I can turn it around


Wanna believe that these changes are changing me, chasing me to find my way out

坚信这些变动能改进我 督促我找到出路

Try to not be small


I wanna believe that someone never lets go


I wanna believe that I can turn it around


Wanna believe that these changes are changing me, chasing me to find my way out

相信这些变化能使我不同 推动着我将自己救赎


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无损音乐网 » Brooke Candy《Changes》[FLAC]下载/歌词/百度网盘下载
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