NorahJones-Turn Me On[FLAC]下载/歌词/百度网盘下载
歌词开始Flame Twin – Norah Jones (诺拉·琼斯)
Lyrics by:Norah Jones
Composed by:Norah Jones
I am the runner you are the chaser
My twin in flames \’til we meet again
I am the lost you can\’t be found
My twin in flames lift me from the ground
You are the hider I am the seeker
My twin I\’m in flames I\’m rolling about
I have a name you call me by none
My twin I\’m on fire come put me out
As God is my witness I try to be strong
But my twin I\’m on fire don\’t string me along
Wake you from slumber you fall so hard
Twin we\’re in flames we\’ve gone too far
My pockets are empty your heart is stripped bare
My twin in flames we\’re not even there
Can\’t see past the border or smoke
My twin enflamed who I\’m sorry I woke
The circle continues as plain as can be
My love let me go I should let you be
You are the runner I am the chaser
My twin in flames \’til we meet again歌词结束(劲爆音乐网)
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